Tuesday, May 23, 2006

What the..........

Someone commented that I haven't blogged in a while. I think I've gone longer with no entries, but here we go.
Warning! Meaner than usual post ahead:

I was in line at the ATM in a mall last week.
A tourist is trying to withdraw money. Unsuccessfully.
This mat rock type with requisite tight jeans, cap and metal t-shirt jumps in, tells the tourist to press cancel.
Bewildered tourist wanders off. Then Mr. 'I'm so helpful to tourists' cuts into the queue.
So 3 of us in line do what most other Malaysians would do. We just collectively glare at him. Which is so chicken, but I figure we don't need to introduce ATM rage to the current Road Rage. He ignores us, of course.
Mr, 'I'm too sexy for my t-shirt' proceeds to stick in his atm card, key in his pin, then presses withdraw and then keys in something in the 6 figures. Presses cancel, retrieves his card and then walks off.
I'm like, 'What the.......'
He cuts the queue to press some buttons?
Show off to his gf that he has an atm card?
Fantasise that he has money in his account?
He has no life?
Trying to impress his friends?
Can't afford to play video games?
Is a L O S E R?

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