Monday, May 01, 2006

Just move on.... Nothing to see here.

Well, the movie has hit 999 views this morning, now that bandwidth has been restored. I'm quite amazed, (hehe) at all this. I still need to convert and upload the new title. I think I'm going to try H.264 encoding and see how that looks.
Kit and Clive's debut edits where shown over the past couple of days. One had the DVD player playing about halfway when the switcher was switched, the other was let down by a fairly fuzzy PA along with less than good dialog recording on some bits. I figured out the problem. Just difficult to take care of everything on a day long shoot with a totally new crew where I have to show them everything. And I mean, everything.
Still got lots of projects to convert to DVD for distribution and need to train a new editor this week. Hmm, sunday's 5 days away....
Young adults had the ball last night. Good to see everyone all dressed up. Overall, I think the girls did a better job of dressing up than the guys.
Apparently, the mere act of me combing my hair results in a whole new look. The whole change tables to meet more people thing left some people looking lost and clueless. This isn't exactly the most sociable bunch. By the time people are halfway warmed up through the course, its time to move on again. There was no structure to the moving that I could tell, which resulted in some guys looking totally lost and trying to find a new table to sit in while trying to be not too obvious in wanting to sit next to a pretty girl.
In all, the evening wasn't too bad. I guess its what you decide to make of it I guess.
Note to self: dry clean suit and get cuff button replaced.

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